The church is built in 1835 y and is sancitified on 14 October the same year. It strives to seed love against the hate that live in us. The god serving strives to raise us from the material and to head us to the beautiful and clean things - the God.
In 1877 y many Bulgarian villages are being fired. The same fate has our church in Troyan. It had been burned to the bottom by the hands of the furious Turkish people. Several buildings were left to project and got over the fire. The church and the yellow school got over the fire, too. But soon the school was fired up again. The church stayed because the stone walls are thic 1,60 metres. But all wooden parts - the saint throne, the iconostasises of the altar, that have been made by the father of abbot Konstantin from Tryavna, the vladic throne - it all was burned. The church books was burned, too. In the devastation took part Turkish people from Dobrodan village who ruined the roof of the church but the stone stayed untouched.
In the church exists a women part. It was forbited to the women to go to the church out of its part. The men was with shaved heads and only on the top of their heads they had a tuft of hair.
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