Friday, 07.02.2025, 13:09  
Ecology Depot for hard rubbish
  Depot for hard rubbish

The biulding of I and II cell of depot for hard rubbish in Troyan has finished. It will serve Apriltsi, too. The municipality has bought new vessels for trashes and new technics for transporting them. Non-regulated village dung-hill are closed, all built-up areas are equiped with vessels for trashes. The project for separaitve collecting of trashes has begun.

In component water are realized the most investitions connected with protecting the environment - building of purifying station for waste waters of Troyan and first stage severage collector IA. The town purifying station was built in 1991 but the finances weren\\\'t enough and two years later the object is closed. After 2001 with the help of Ministry of environment required finances have been provided. In the beginning of 2004 the first stage - Mechanical purifying - was introduced in exploatation. Danish agency of environment ensured $1,2 mln. Finances are needed for the second stage - Biological purifying.

Regarding of component air the municipality is not included in so-called `hot points` in Bulgaria. During this year in three points the air indicators will be measured. These measurements are part of the program of Ministry of environment and waters for national monitoing.

Annually ecological days are organized: 22 of April - International day of the Earth, 5 of June - World day of protecting the environment, 22 of September - European day without automobiles. In this enterprise main participants are students from ecoclubs `Ekologiya` and `Biologiya i ekologiya` from SOU `St. Kliment Ohridski` and OU `Ivan Hadjiiski`

Tendentions: every year the green areas around blocks are increasing which civilians create and maintain.

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