Friday, 14.02.2025, 13:09  
Hotels in Village of Shipkovo
Hotel Shipkovo Hotel Joana
Hotel Planinski Rai Villa Afrodita
Villa Borovets Villa Valya
Villa Rusalka Villa Diana
Villa Diamant Villa Romantica
Villa Veselie Villa Sviloza
Villa Rai Villa Belite Brezi
Hotel-restaurant Bakhus Hotel Viktoria
Hotel of the Union of the blind people Family houses Balkansky
Villa Orfei Villa Veni
  Villa Sviloza

12/03/2009 18:33:03Writer: петрова свищов
ако това е вилата на доктор Петров пожелавам на всички приятна почивка и съм сигурна че ще е така.

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