Monday, 17.02.2025, 07:04  
Village of Cherni Osam
Village of Cherni Osam Natural science museum
Hotels and Villas Tavern Kolibito
  Natural science museum

Here is a rich exposition from stuff animals which are typical for central Stara mountain: mammals, birds, reptiles, insects. It is created from an amateur collection of biology teacher in the village and from study group of local students. Nowadays the museum is a rich illustration of the animal world, a place where the visitors can introduce themselves with the natural resourses in the region and for protection of environment, park and the reserves in the mountain. Work time - every day, 8 - 12 h and 13 - 16 h.

In the village there is an ethnographical and photo-archive collection which introduce the hystorical development of the village, its traditional crafts, popular events from village hystory, ethnographical exhibits.

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