Monday, 17.02.2025, 05:03  
Hotels in Village of Chiflik
Villa Elora Hotel Diva
Hotel Venika Villa Ilian
Villa Radoslav Villa Esperanza
Hotel Mania House for hire
Hotel Venika Palace Guest house Elia
Hotel complex Chiflika Complex Izgrev
Guest house Hera
  Hotel complex Chiflika

Hotel complex Chiflika has a hotel part with 20 double rooms, 2 flats and one house with 3 double rooms with private lavatory, restaurant with 90 seats and a summer garden with live music, free guarded parking.

The hotel also offer an open air swimming pool with Olympian size and mineral water. It works during the whole year. The water is with proved medical qualities and is from a spring with temperature of 52 degrees. It is appropriate for treating different illnesses. The hotel offers SPA center, including a sauna, bath, fitness center, massages.

The complex works during the whole year. The prices can be dealt. The hotel is situated in the center of the village of Chiflik, 15 km far away from the town of Troyan, in the foots of the reserve Kozia Stena, among thick woods and picturesque countryside.

  • Contacts:
  • tel: 0888567319 contact person: Silvia

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