Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 14:09  
Huts in Troyan Balkan Kozia Stena hut
Haidushka Pesen hut Ambaritsa hut
Koman hut Orlovo Gnezdo hut
Dermenka hut Dobrila hut
Zora hut Vidima hut
Pleven hut Vasiliov hut
  Pleven hut

It`s located in Bazov Dyal after Vidima quarter, at 1504 m above sea-level. It consists of two buildings with common capacity of 180 places in two apartments and rooms with 2, 4, 5 and more beds. The main building is a massive four-leveled building with capacity of 120 places with inner baths and toilets. The building is water-supplied and electrified, with central heating. It has a restaourant, buffet, shop for sport and tourist goods, hall with a TV set and fun games: billiards, chest, domino, bagatelle, backgammon, ski-wardrobe. The second building is a massive building with capacity of 60 places with inner baths and toilets in each room. The building is electrified and water-supplied with central heating. There are tourist kitchen and dining room, hall with a TV set and fun games. The area concedes good conditions for winter and summer relaxation: ski-tracks with three rope-lines, sport platform. The slopes of Severen Djendem are climbers` object.

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