Thursday, 23.01.2025, 00:27  
Tourist potential
Tourist potential Nature potential
Infrastructure Educational institutions
Hotels and catering

The transport services in Troyan has a transport scheme, it is conformable to the needs of the people. It is spread in all populated places and counts the real flow of travellers. The geographic location of the town is conductive to the creation of good transport connections. The Troyan passage connects the town with South Bulgaria. Regular bus lines connects Troyan with: Sofia, Pleven, Lovech, Plovdiv, Sevlievo, Aprilci, Cherven Briag and connections with the whole railway network of the country. The goods transport is well developed in the municipality. The part if the private business in it is 90% and only 10% of it is the part of state firms. The telephone services are also well developed. There is an ATC in Troyan. It has a capacity of 106000 numbers and 200 numbers unnumbered capacity. Most of the territory is served by mobile operators. The town of Troyan has a history older then 130 years but the tracks of the settlement are in the acient history. The life in this area existed long time ago - from the prahistoric age to the ages of the trakite. In the region there were strong roman presence. From the name of the old way Via-Trayana comes the name of the town - Troyan. The Trayan\\\'s road and its stations mark a roman period of the past. Over 20 are the registered castles that proves the importance of the region. The teritory of the municipality is in good ecological state and it attract the interest of the bulgarian and foreign tourists with its various flora and fauna.

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Town of Troyan 5600
"Vasil Levski" street 133
tel/fax: 0670/60964
gsm: 0889719941

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