Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 14:05  
Culture and style of living Holidays and traditions
Troyan kitchen
  Culture and style of living

The basic traditional crafts in the region are presented by the exposition of the museum of crafts in Troyan and the work of the present masters is presented in the exhibition of crafts in Oreshak. Many masters saved the traditional crafts in their workshops. There are potters, wood-carvers, artists, weavers, ceramists, copper smiths that can be visited. In the community centres in the villages of the Troyan municipality is saved the authentic local folklore with the appearances of the dance and vocal groups that has prizes from the competitions in Koprivshtica. Many interesting songs, games, dances, ring dances, traditions and traditional suits are saved.

The most life pconteporary national artistic crafts in the region are the ceramics, the wood-carving, the art of the copper smith, the weaving. The popularity of the Troyan ceramic school during the Renaissance is because of the skills and experience of the masters to create practical, useful and beautiful utensils. In the colour attitude the mild colours predominate - yellow, brown, green, and the decoration is of three basic kinds: angobic, engraved and plastic. In XX sentury the competition leads to changes in the traditional Troyan ceramics. The colour gamout becomes more variegated. The different kinds of the Troyan design is developed. This process contitues nowadays, too. The wood-carving crafts are the other fame of the Troyan masters. Among the metal-working crafts the most spread is the blacksmith`s. As a craft with specific workshops in Troyan and Novo selo is developed the copper smiths. The artistic cloth are purposed for home use. Very spread is the colourful rug with the haracteristic colours - green, red, black and yellow. The Troyan fleecy rug is with the prefered plant motive - floyers and vine leaves.

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