Friday, 14.02.2025, 14:10  
Hotels in Beklemeto
Villa “Montemno”
  Villa “Montemno”

There are 12-16 beds in 3 standart coples and 2 flats in villa “Montemno”. There are separate baths and toilets, tv, central heating and kitchen box where you can made food by tourself in the rooms. There is a fire-place. There is an opportunity to order food. There is a magnificent view towords the Balkan and the valley of the Osam river . The villa offers ski teaching for children and elder, routes for ski tourism. The touris routes includes visiting of the following hots: Dermenka, Dobrila, Orlovo gnezdo, Chuchul, the health-resort Steneto, Neshkovci neighbourhood, etc. The villa is located in the health-resort Beklemeto, 22 km far away from the town of Troyan. It is situated among the beautiful nature of the Troyan Balkan. It is near to the National park - Centarl Balkan. There are the ruins of the Montemno station on the ancient roman road Via - Trayana.

  • Contacts:
  • tel: 0895681786, 0896776276, 0895686932

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