Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 14:24  
Central Balkan
National park Central Balkan Reserve Boatin
Reserve Tsarichina Reserve Kozia Stena
Reserve Steneto Reserve Stara Reka
Reserve Severen Djendem Reserve Djendema
Reserve Peeshti Skali Reserve Sokolna
  National park Central Balkan

The Central Balkan National Park was oficially opened on 31.10. 1991. The park was established with the objective to preserve the complex of self-regulating ecosystems with their specific variety of wild inhabitants, the dwelling place of rare and endangered species and co-existing societies, unique geomorphological formations, remarkable landscapes of worldwide importance. Such concentration of preserved wild and in certain places virgin nature is nowhere else to be seen in other parts of the Balkan Mountains. The park has a total area of 73,261.8 ha., of which 44,079.8 ha are forests and 29,182 ha are a farm area. At an administartive level the park covers some parts of 4 regions, 8 communities and 31 villages. On the territory of the park are 9 nature reserves and four of these are included in the World Network of Biospheric.Reserves. The nine reserves are the mainstay of the National Park and are dominating over the natural environment with their exceptional landscape and wide variety of animal and plant species. The ancient local people called this mountain 'the Land of the sons of the sun' and the 'Bloody mountain'.

Reserves in National Park 'Central Balkan': Boatin, Tsarichina, Kozya Stena, Steneto, Stara reka, Severen Djendem, Djendema, Peeshti Skali, Sokolna. We hope this booklet will assist in the preservation of this invaluable gift from nature.

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